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Formally founded in February 2007, Fun Factory Education Corp.'s (FFEC) mission is devoted entirely to the betterment of child care in America. Marilyn Lewis*, the co-founder and force behind the creation of the company's innovative learning system (and its ancillary products and programs), and FFEC's team has provided a very functional and creative means to bring our preschoolers into the 21st Century with valuable life-lessons whilst still having age appropriate fun integrated in the process. It has been her longstanding position of nearly three decades, that saying you stand for Family Values is great and ever so popular, however, Valuing the Family by your corporate and personal deeds are far more important and beneficial to the long-term welfare of our communities in general. Ms. Lewis' seeks to change how child care providers educate children in America.

Although the company's day-to-day operations and placement objectives are now being advanced by its Managing Director, licensing agents and promotions managers, Ms. Lewis' core objectives remain intact, as she awaits it being introduced to preschool communities throughout North America.

A combination of 39+ years of child care experience and the most current evidenced based research bolsters FFEC’s commitment to its teaching methods—particularly in the area of emotional literacy - the use of its patented system. In addition, there’s an emphasis on making preschool [early childhood] education MORE hands-on, with an appropriate level of entertainment value.


The main objective of the Fun Factory Education Corp.’s "EnDUCATE"™ philosophy is to demonstrate that children require more than a repetitive delivery of academic materials. Ms. Lewis has stated for the record, "I have found that integrating early childhood materials with a generous dose of controlled and planned entertainment goes a long way in the ongoing effort to engage children for the entire scheduled periods of learning."


It is important to understand that such a position (i.e., adding more entertainment to education) is one that is being hotly contested on a number of fronts, primarily due to the unanswered questions of how much is too much, or how much is just right.


Notwithstanding the giants of the entertainment industry’s attempts at educating whilst entertaining, the consensus of the academic community is still weighted towards the industries efforts being out of balance and in many cases harmful, particularly as it applies to advertising to children through many entertainment venues.


Ms. Lewis takes a position moderately closer to that of the entertainment industry, in that she believes entertainment has merit when applied appropriately (e.g., shorter viewing segments, real educational lessons, fewer commercials, etc.). Her EnDUCATE™** teaching method accomplishes that balance, and she defends her position against the cynics who are anti-entertainment simply because they disagree with the methods presently employed by the corporate giants. She advocates: "Let's use what works and get rid of what hurts."


Ms. Lewis takes her EnDUCATE™ System even further by concentrating on the Emotional Literacy components sometimes neglected, and often under-served in early childhood education (particularly ages 3-5). Her research into this area has allowed her to apply for a Patent, through which she demonstrates how children can actually have fun and make great strides by discussing and understanding their emotions, particularly in the presence of their peers...from the shy to the bully.


Such noted luminaries as,  Dr. Daniel Goleman; Dr. Gail Joseph; and Rob Bocchino, M.S., C.A.S. have each championed the importance of "emotional literacy."

Speaker says intellectual development more important in early childhood



As a female entrepreneur passionate about helping children learn and about helping women/men/parents become better providers for their children, she takes the position that we must do more to develop our preschool child's emotional literacy, if we are to seriously make claim that our intent is to stop the spiral of behavioral challenging cases we are finding in grades starting as early as kindergarten (with signs of behavioral problems already showing at the preschool/daycare level). It speaks volumes to the Emotional Literacy mission she has chosen to champion - reaching our children at an earlier age [3-5 year olds] if we are to turn the tide. We must acknowledge the increased reports, a result of evidence based research, indicating a diminishment of empathy being exhibited by our children at younger ages, and start to actually do something about it at every level of opportunity. Over the many years of development of her "emotional literacy" system, Ms. Lewis was often known to say, I have the "main ingredients" for my system, now all I need is the perfect character to drive my message forward. The character had to be one the children would immediately enjoy and it had to be different - very different. She found that character in 2003 and the rest is history, as she went on to create everything she often dreamt about when she first entered the child care industry as a new owner in 1983.


"It can be safely said, that teaching Emotional Literacy at the preschool age is a vital foundational pillar on which Emotional Intelligence can be realistically developed with a greater degree of success. I am particularly fond of a quote from Benjamin Franklin - it reads, 'Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.'" Marilyn Lewis

CLICK HERE to Read Her Story...

National Teacher Survey Reveals that Children Who Attend Early Childhood Education Programs Are More Likely to Graduate High School



* Ms. Lewis holds a B.S. in Psychology, Child Care Center Director Credentials, CDA, and is a multiple Child Care Center Owner since 1983; in addition she is an inventor, author and song writer.

** Definition: To instruct, to lead, to train, or to guide, and to engage attention agreeably, while amusing with that which makes the time pass pleasantly, yet productively—as to educate a child, by means of a carefully planned and thoughtful integration of entertainment into the learning process and curriculum. It should include all of the domains of child development (i.e., Physical Health, Cognitive, Social & Emotional, Approaches to Learning, Motor and Language).


Legal Notice: This website contains Copyright, Patent, Trademark and Intellectual Property Material (e.g., music, eBooks, Logos, images, photographs, Emotion Activity Center, web designs, and text of and from protected materials) governed and protected by U.S. and International law and treaties. All rights are reserved and no permission to copy, use, sell or transmit is granted or implied, except where specific permission is granted. Fun Factory Education Corp. shall vigorously protect its properties under all applicable laws, civil and criminal, and seek damages for all violations to the fullest extent of the law.


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